Never before has it been essential to control and monitor the flow of consumption and related costs within structures that have always been exposed to waste of chemical products. Aladin represents a more singular challenge in the context of a market characterized by risks for the operator and uncontrolled consumption.

Aladin is an automatic detergent dispenser that aims to optimize and control the dilution and use of detergents. It allows, in fact, a targeted assessment of consumption according to all the cleaning operations planned on construction sites, for each operator and for each product. Aladin is the only system that allows you to obtain a Certain Cost of cleaning.
Aladin is the only system that allows you to achieve a Certain Cost of Cleaning.

Aladin is an automatic detergent dispenser that aims to optimize and control the dilution and use of detergents. It allows, in fact, a targeted assessment of consumption according to all the cleaning operations planned on construction sites, for each operator and for each product. Aladin is the only system that allows you to obtain a Certain Cost of cleaning.
Aladin is the only system that allows you to achieve a Certain Cost of Cleaning.

The best solution for
Schools and universities
Nursing homes
Medical practices
System services just a click away
It allows the preventive calculation of the monthly fee of the detergent and the assignment of the monthly quantity of product per operator.
The Aladin dispensing system is equipped with a USB port where it is possible to upload configuration files with the setting data of the disbursements to be made. The dosages are guaranteed with the help of an electronic scale.
Aladin’s web platform allows remote control of the consumption of the products dispensed. Thanks to this system, the company has the possibility to remotely verify the status of the site’s consummate.
It is a safe cleaning system for the operator because of the correct dilution of the product, guaranteed by the system, allows an improvement or elimination of the danger symbolism from super concentrated detergent to ready-to-use product.
Why the
Aladin system is safe
Highly concentrated product.
Placed in the canister compartment with closure or inside the machine warehouse. Danger symbology present in sds.
Product dilution
Dilution of the highly concentrated product thanks to charged the Aladin machine, according to the programmed dilution.
Ready-to-use product used by the operator.
Improvement or elimination of the danger symbology present in sds.
The service company that uses the Aladin Ecolabel system and products is facilitated in undertaking the Ecolabel certification process of the cleaning service within a specific construction site.
Ecolabel certified site
cleaning service
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